Italian by origin, in 2001 I left Milan and moved to England where I lived for 15 years. I currently reside and work in the Sacred Valley in Huaran, Peru.
My personal journey involved being suspended between two worlds: the logic of my mind and the emotions of my heart. While being highly sensitive and intuitive since an early age, due to life circumstances and expectations, I ended up in accountancy positions in emotionally cold and demanding work environments in corporate and not-for-profit organizations.
Over 20 years ago, following a traumatic experience in my work environment and the imminent death of my father, I sought a more fulfilling path. I reconnected to my early age interests about energy healing and Complimentary Therapies, with the intention of developing ‘hands on’ skills that I could take anywhere with me and become independent from the corporate world. The more I was progressing in my training and working with my therapies, the more the dichotomy between my inner and outer world was becoming apparent.
My discomfort within the corporate world was growing. At the same time I was deepening my self-exploration and reconnecting more deeply with my intuition and curiosity about the healing ability of the human body. That prompted me to desire exploring more subtle avenues through other therapy modalities to deepen my interaction with a holistic approach to healing.